Monday, July 13, 2009

Lowongan PLN (Persero) Wilayah Sumatera Utara Juli 2009

PT PLN (Persero)Wilayah Sumatera Utara now open lowongan pln juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan pln juli 2009 from PT PLN (Persero)Wilayah Sumatera Utara :

Mari bergabung, berkembang dan meniti karir bersama PT PLN (Persero) dengan mengisi posisi sebagai OPHAR PEMBANGKIT, OPHAR TRANSMISI, OPHAR DISTRIBUSI dan Non teknik di lingkungan Wilayah Sumatera Utara, Wilayah Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Pembangkitan Sumatera Bagian Utara, Pembangkitan Sumatera I, Penyaluran dan Pusat Pengatur Beban Sumatera, Proyek Induk Pembangkit dan Jaringan Sumatera Utara, Aceh dan Riau

Lamaran ditujukan kepada:

PT PLN (Persero)
(Pelaksanaan Test di Medan)


PT PLN (Persero)

a. Kelahiran Tahun 1987 dan setelahnya
b. Tahun kelulusan SLTA / SMK tahun 2007 dan setelahnya
c. Tinggi badan minimal Pria 160 cm dan Wanita 155 cm.
d. Tidak menderita Epilepsi
e. Tidak ditindik/bekas tindik telinganya (kecuali wanita)
atau anggota tubuh lainnya.
f. Tidak bertato,
g. Berat badan proporsional
h. Sehat rohani dan jasmani, tidak buta warna
i. Tidak pernah menggunakan narkoba / NAPZA
j. Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan ikatan dinas selama 1
(satu) tahun.
k. Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama
pendidikan dan masa On the Job Training (OJT)


a. Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki
b. Apabila berkacamata/ soft lens maksimal minus 2 dan
tidak silindris
c. Pendidikan SLTA jurusan IPA dengan nilai UAN ratarata
d. Pendidikan SMK jurusan Teknik Mesin, Teknik
Elektro/ listrik Arus Kuat dan Teknik Sipil (Bangunan)
dengan nilai UAN rata-rata 6

a. Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki/Perempuan
b. Pendidikan SLTA jurusan IPA/IPS dengan nilai UAN
rata-rata 6
c. Pendidikan SMK jurusan Administrasi, Sekretaris,
Akuntansi dan Manajemen Sistem Informasi dengan
nilai UAN rata-rata 6
d. Dapat mengoperasikan Program komputer (Microsoft
Office) dan akan dilakukan tes untuk membuktikan.

Surat Lamaran dilampiri :

1. Fotocopy Ijazah/ Sertifikat/ Surat Keterangan Lulus dari SLTA/
SMK dan Transkrip Nilai yang dilegalisir.
2. Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran/ Surat Kenal Lahir dan KTP yang masih
berlaku/ surat keterangan domisili dari kelurahan.
3. Curriculum Vitae /Daftar Riwayat Hidup yang ditandatangani.
4. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 3 lembar.
5. Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat, Tinggi dan Berat Badan serta
Surat Keterangan Tidak Buta Warna dari Dokter Umum
6. Surat pernyataan diri diatas materai Rp. 6.000,-
a. bahwa tidak pernah terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan Narkoba
dan Zat Adiktif lainnya.
b. tentang kesanggupan mengikuti pendidikan ikatan dinas
selama 1 (satu) tahun dan tidak menikah dalam masa
pendidikan dan On the Job Training (OJT).
c. tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas Ijazah yang lebih tinggi
dari Diploma 1 (D1) yang dimilikinya, serta bersedia
ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah kerja PT PLN (Persero).
d. menyatakan tidak sedang dalam ikatan dinas dan atau
beasiswa dari instansi lain.
7. Alamat pelamar lengkap dengan kode pos untuk panggilan test
disertai nomor telepon/HP.
8. Tuliskan Kode jurusan dipojok kanan amplop lamaran. T untuk
Teknik dan NT untuk Non Teknik

Lain-lain :

1. Tidak diadakan korespondensi dan hanya surat lamaran melalui
PO BOX yang akan diproses.
2. Pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
3. Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus pada seluruh tahapan seleksi
akan dipanggil mengikuti Program Beasiswa Pendidikan Setara
Diploma 1 (D1).
4. Pelamar yang dapat menyelesaikan Program Beasiswa
Pendidikan Setara Diploma 1 (D1) pada butir 3 dan kemudian
lulus program training pegawai (OJT) akan diangkat menjadi
pegawai dan ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT PLN
5. Surat lamaran yang pernah dikirim pada panitia sebelum
diterbitkannya pengumuman ini dinyatakan tidak berlaku
6. Apabila dikemudian hari DATA berkas surat lamaran ternyata
tidak benar maka peserta dinyatakan GUGUR
7. Berkas lamaran yang sudah masuk ke Panitia Penerimaan
menjadi hak milik panitia sehingga tidak bisa diambil kembali
8. Keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat


Informasi selengkapnya kunjungi website :

Lowongan PLN Juli 2009

There is detail for lowongan pln juli 2009 from :

Mari bergabung, berkembang dan meniti karir bersama PT PLN (Persero) melalui program D1 Beasiswa untuk mengisi posisi sebagai Tenaga Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Pembangkit, Transmisi, Distribusi dan Tenaga Administrasi di lingkungan PT PLN (PERSERO) WILAYAH SUMATERA BARAT; P3B SUMATERA; WILAYAH BANGKA BELITUNG; dan WILAYAH RIAU

Lamaran ditujukan kepada :
Konsultan Rekrutmen TENAGA OPERASI DAN

Persyaratan Umum :

a. Belum menikah.
b. Jenis Kelamin:
Laki-laki : Tenaga Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Pembangkit, Transmisi, dan Distribusi
Laki-laki Dan Perempuan : Tenaga Administrasi
c. Persyaratan Tenaga Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Pembangkit, Transmisi, dan Distribusi
Ijazah SMU, SMK jurusan :
- SMK : Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro/Listrik
NEM Rata-rata minimal 6

Persyaratan Tenaga Administrasi :

Ijazah SMU, SMK jurusan :
- SMK : Administrasi, Sekretaris, Akuntansi
NEM Rata-rata minimal 6
Dapat mengoperasikan program komputer (Microsoft office). Akan dilakukan tes untuk membuktikan/sertifikasi
d. Maksimal Kelahiran tahun 1987 atau setelahnya.
e. Berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna, kacamata/soft lens maksimal minus 2 dan tidak silindris, tidak menderita epilepsi
f. Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat aditif lainnya
g. Sehat Jasmani dan rohani untuk melaksanakan fungsi sebagai operator dan pemeliharaan Pembangkit, Transmisi, dan Distribusi dan sebagai Tenaga/Officer Administrasi, Sekretaris dan Akuntansi
h. Tidak pernah bertato dan tidak pernah ditindik untuk laki-laki
i. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm (laki-laki) dan 155 cm (Perempuan) dengan berat badan proporsional.
j. Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan selama 1 (satu) tahun dan tidak menikah dalam masa pendidikan dinyatakan dengan Surat Pernyataan diri diatas materai Rp. 6.000,-
k. Tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang lebih tinggi dari SMU/SMK yang dimilikinya dinyatakan dengan Surat Pernyataan diri diatas materai Rp. 6.000,-

Lamaran dilampiri :

1. Fotocopy ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus dan transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir.
2. Fotocopy akte kelahiran dan KTP yang masih berlaku.
3. Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
4. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 3 lembar.
5. Surat keterangan berbadan sehat, tinggi badan dan tidak buta warna dari Dokter.
6. Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6.000,- tentang kesediaan mengikuti pendidikan ikatan dinas selama 1 (satu) tahun dan tidak menikah selama masa pendidikan.
7. Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6.000,- tentang kesanggupan bekerja sebagai Tenaga Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Pembangkit, Transmisi, Distribusi, Tenaga Administrasi dan tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimiliki (untuk pelamar yang memiliki ijazah lebih tinggi dari SMU/SMK), serta bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah kerja PT PLN (Persero) di Sumatera Barat, Riau, Sumatera Selatan dan Bangka Belitung
8. Mencatumkan Kode Lamaran Disudut Kiri Atas Amplop Lamaran
a. Tenaga Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Pembangkit : OPP
b. Tenaga Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Transmisi : OPT
c. Tenaga Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Distribusi : OPD
d. Tenaga Administrasi : ADM
9. Alamat pelamar lengkap dengan kode pos untuk panggilan tes.

Lain-lain :
a Koordinator Tes “ PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Sumatera Barat “
b Tempat Pelaksanaan Tes :
- Tes Fisik, Akademik, Psikologi : Padang, dan Pangkal Pinang
- Tes Wawancara dan Kesehatan : Padang

Lamaran Kami Terima Paling Lambat
Tanggal 11 Juli 2009 (Stempel Pos)

Lowongan Kerja SMA Juli 2009

clairmont now open lowongan kerja sma juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja sma juli 2009 from clairmont :

Kategori : + Accounting + Audit + Taxation
Lokasi : Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
Pendidikan : SMA
Pengalaman Kerja: 0 tahun
Jenis Kelamin : Pria & Wanita
Gaji : Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit : 11 Juli 2009
Tanggal Tutup : 25 Juli 2009

We are a growing chain of pastry and F&B operations inviting highly qualified and committed profesionals for the following positions:


- Min S1, own vehicle, Able to handle corporate clients (1)
- Min D3 Management Pastry/Food Production (2)
- Min D3 Management/Hotel (4)
- Min D3 Accounting (3)
- Min SMU with Experience / D1 - Public Relation, Height Min 1,6 m, Male/Female (7,8)
- Min SMIP/SMK/D1 Pastry (9)
- Min D3 Management (5,6)
- Min D1 Management (10)

General Requirement to all positions:
Min 2 Years Experience in related field

Please Send your Resume and CV to
PO BOX 1433 JKS 12014 Or

Lowongan SMA SMU SMK Juli 2009

PT. Mumbai Megablit now open Lowongan SMA SMU SMK Juli 2009
There is detail for Lowongan SMA SMU SMK Juli 2009 from PT. Mumbai Megablit :

PT. Mumbai Megablit is national company leading in information service. Today we are looking for some employees to fill the job position in our office with detail as follow:


* Male / Female, Minimum education is high school (SMA SMU SMK), D3 is preferable
* Able to use Ms Office program
* Can make a new program
* Discipline


* Male / Female, Have 2 years experience
* Able to build a team
* Audience composure
* Smart & Suppl


* Able to build a team
* Entrepreneurship
* Discipline
* Smart


* Perform in English (Active & Passive)
* Good looking and good apperance

Please send your complete resume before 20 Juli 2009 to :

Lowongan Kerja SMK SLTA D3 Juli 2009 Juli Agustus 2009

PT. Qaseh Indonesia now open lowongan kerja smk juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja smk juli 2009 from PT. Qaseh Indonesia :

Lowongan SMK SLTA D3 Juli 2009 Juli Agustus 2009

Nama Perusahaan : PT. Qaseh Indonesia
Deskripsi : PT. Qaseh Indonesia
Perusahaan yang bergerak di industrial health dan beauty

Lowongan untuk : Sales Executive

Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta & Bogor

Persyaratan :

* Pria/Wanita
* Pendidikan minimum SLTA, SMK sederajat atau D3
* Usia maksimal 30 tahun
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal Ms. Office
* Berpenampilan menarik dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Bersedia bekerja dengan target
* Dapat bekerja secara team

Alamat Surat, dsb :

kirimkan CV lengkap ke :
HRD PT. Qaseh Indonesia
Menara Prima 27th floor unit 27H
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Block 6.2,
Jakarta selatan - Indonesia 12950
Lewat E-Mail ke : atau

Tgl. Penutupan : 26 Agus 2009

Lowongan Kerja SMK Juli 2009 Hotel Mega Anggrek

Hotel Mega Anggrek now open lowongan kerja smk juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja smk juli 2009 from Hotel Mega Anggrek :


Oleh sebuah perusahaan Consumer Goods (makanan dan minuman) yang mapan dan terkenal
di Indonesia , untuk posisi :

Staff Personnel
Admin (Kalideres)

D3 / Sarjana, pria atau
wanita, maksimum usia 30 tahun, tegas, teliti mempuyai pemahaman SOP di HR,
dapat berfikir obyektif, menguasai pekerjaan administrasi personalia, dokumentasi personalia, berpengalaman bekerja di HR, bersedia
bekerja di Kalideres, dan dapat dipercaya.

Staff Sales
Admin & HR (Karawang)

D3 / Sarjana,
pria atau wanita, maksimum usia 30 tahun, menguasai pekerjaan sales admin &
HR, teliti, tegas, bersedia bekerja di Karawang, administrasi personalia, memahami
pekerjaan pengembangan masyarakat (community development), dokumentasi
personalia, menyusun laporan sales, dan dapat bersosialisasi dengan baik.

Seluruh posisi di
atas membutuhkan orang yang mampu bekerja dengan komputer, berpengalaman pada
bidangnya minimum 1 tahun, bersedia bekerja lembur, mempunyai sikap “can
do”, dan teliti.

Jika anda
berminat dan mempunyai kualifikasi sesuai syarat-syarat di atas, anda dapat
mengirim lamaran anda paling lambat sebelum tanggal 18 Juli 2009 kepada :

Lowongan Kerja SMK SLTA, D3, S1 Juli 2009

PT. Jakarta Teknologi Utama now open lowongan kerja smk juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja smk juli 2009 from PT. Jakarta Teknologi Utama :

Lowongan Kerja SLTA, SMK, D3, S1 Juli 2009

Nama Perusahaan : PT. Jakarta Teknologi Utama
Deskripsi : Merupakan salah satu perusahaan Body Repair terbesar di Indonesia yang berdiri sejak tahun 1999 dan telah memiliki beberapa kantor cabang yang tersebar di wilayah Pulau Sumatra, Jawa, dan Bali.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk :

* Staff IT (IT)
* Staff General Affair (GA)*
* Workshop Supervisor/Heads (WS/WH)
* Operational Development Program (ODP)*
* Service (SA) & Foreman (FR)*
* Customer Service (CS)
* Staff Accounting Finance (AF)
* Mekanik (MK)

Lokasi Kerja di : Jabotabek dan Wilayah Cabang

Persyaratan : Staff IT (IT)

* Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik Informatika
* Memiliki logika pemrograman yang baik
* Diutamakan yang menguasai ASP/ASP.NET/Power Builder

Staff General Affair (GA)*

* Pendidikan Min. STM/SMK/SMA
* Menguasai komputer (Ms. Word & Excel)
* Diutamakan yang menguasai pekerjaan teknik (Listrik, Telephone, Fax)

Workshop Supervisor/Heads (WS/WH)

* Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik Mesin/Otomotif/Elektro
* Pengalaman bekerja lebih dari 5 tahun
* Memiliki Sertifikat Otomotif dari Bengkel Authorized
* Memiliki jiwa leadership & negotiation skill

Operational Development Program (ODP)*

* Pendidikan min. S1 Teknik Mesin/Elektro
* Bersedia menjalani Ikatan Dinas selama 3 tahun

Service (SA) & Foreman (FR)*

* Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik
* Pengalaman bekerja di Bengkel Otomotif min. 2 tahun
* Memiliki Sertifikat Mekanik Otomotif

Customer Service (CS)

* Pendidikan min. D3
* Berpenampilan menarik dan lancar berkomunikasi
* Lebih disukai mengerti sistem CSR (Customer Relationship Management)

Staff Accounting Finance (AF)

* Pendidikan min. S1 Akuntansi
* Pengalaman bekerja min. 1 tahun

Mekanik (MK)

* Pendidikan min. STM/SMK/SMA
* Pengalaman bekerja di bengkel Otomotif min. 2 tahun
* Memiliki Sertifikat Mekanik Otomotif

Kriteria Umum :

* Pria/Wanita max. 35 tahun
* Bersedia ditempatkan di luar kota
* Menyertakan Surat Keterangan Baik dari Kepolisian dan Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
* Untuk posisi * diharuskan memiliki SIM A/C serta mengetahui wilayah Jabotabek

Alamat Surat, dsb : Kirim Lamaran lengkap, CV, dan Pas Foto ukuran 4×6 dengan menuliskan kode posisi yang diinginkan pada sudut kiri amplop, ke :
PT. Jakarta Teknologi Utama Motor
Jl. Rawa Bali I No. 25, Rawa Terate Cakung KIPG
Jakarta 13920
Email :

Tgl. Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Terbaru : 27 Juli 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Lowongan Surabaya Juli 2009 Sales Engineer Support

PT. INTECH PUMPS INDONESIA now open lowongan surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan surabaya juli 2009 from PT. INTECH PUMPS INDONESIA :

We are Singapore company with branch office in Jakarta, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Sales Engineer Support - Surabaya Post Date: 08 Jul 09

Qualifications :

* Min. Degree (S1), majoring in Engineering ( chemical, mechanical Engineering, oil and gas or related field is advantage)
* Female, 23-35 years old
* At least 1-2 year experience in same position, fresh graduate are welcome
* Good skills in communication & Interacts with peoples
* Computer Literacy, administration handling
* Good command in English both spoken & written
* Domicile in Surabaya
* Interview will be held in Surabaya

Please send your application letter with resume to

Email :

Lowongan Surabaya Juli 2009 Purchasing Supervisor

PT. INNOVATIVE PLASTIC PACKAGING now open lowongan surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan surabaya juli 2009 from PT. INNOVATIVE PLASTIC PACKAGING :

We are an established plastic packaging manufacturer, supplying beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals bottles to multinational companies in Indonesia. We are looking for high-caliber, self-motivated, hard worker individual to fill the following position:

Purchasing Supervisor Post Date: 07 Jul 09


* Male/female age max. 35 years old
* S1 graduate from a reputable university (engineering degree preferable)
* Experience in the similar position for minimum 3 years
* Experience in manufacturing company is a must
* Good knowledge about purchasing management
* Proficiency in English ( written & oral )
* Computer literate
* Strong negotiation, communication and interpersonal skills
* Self motivated, tough, honest and able to work in team and under
* pressure.
* Location: Surabaya

Please send your application and photograph to :

Lowongan Surabaya Juli 2009 SENIOR INSTRUCTOR

PT. ISS INDONESIA now open lowongan surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan surabaya juli 2009 from PT. ISS INDONESIA:

ISS is the largest and most diversified Facility Services in the world. In Indonesia we are the best and the largest Cleaning Service Company. We are also growing very well in Pest Control, washroom services and Office Support Services. We have been migrating from single service excellence into multi services excellence and on into Integrated Facility Services. Right now we integrate our cleaning services with Gardening & Landscaping Services, Washroom Services, Sanitation & Hygiene Services, Indoor Air Quality Services, Handymen Services, Security & Access Control, Maintenance Services and Catering Services. All of these services, in our market terminology id called Facility Services. When it comes to size, ISS is one of the employers in Indonesia. For further information please surf: or


· Male / Female, age between 25-32 years

· Diploma or Degree in hotels/housekeeping

· Experience in housekeeping

· Good interpersonal and communication skill

If you meet the above requirements and are interested in joining our dynamic team and organization, please send your brief resume, estimate salary, and one recent photograph (4 x 6) to

Recruitment & Personnel Manager


Jln. Raya Jemursari No. 10 Surabaya



Lowongan Surabaya Juli 2009 ASSISTANT / MARKETING MANAGER

PT. SEKAWAN INTIPLAST now open lowongan surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan surabaya juli 2009 from PT. SEKAWAN INTIPLAST:

We are a growing company in National Plastic Industry looking for candidate to fill the following position as :


R E Q U I R E M E N T S :

* Male of Female
* S1 or S2 from reputable university
* Age max. 30 years old
* Having min. 5 years experience in Sales & Marketing
* Preferable experience in Plastic Industry
* Able to speak in English (Active) and Mandarin (Pasif)
* Must be willing to travel within cities in Indonesia
* Good appearance
* Able to presentation product
* Have own vehicle ( car ) will be an advantage

If you are interested and meet the qualification above, please send your resume, CV and new recent photograph not later than 1 weeks after this advertisement to :



Waru Gunung - Karangpilang



Email :

"Accepted applicants will received attractive compensation system"

Lowongan Surabaya Juli 2009

PT. SUMBER WILIS SERAYA now open lowongan surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan surabaya juli 2009 from PT. SUMBER WILIS SERAYA:

We are established and wellknown by our market as an importer /agent/distributor/ dealer stockist of plastic resin, masterbatch , pigment , additives and other chemicals for most industrial in East & Central Java and east Indonesian market area with office base in Surabaya ; now would like to expand and penetrate the business in our niche market .


Job Requirement:

So, if you are a true candidate who:

1. May as ladies or gents , with energetic young spirit
2. Has experience or ever do as marketing and has relationship to industrial market especially in related industries uses our product , like plastic, flexible packaging, ink, paint and others and has knowledge in real of the product like ours;
3. Has technical or chemical knowledge , NOT ONLY KNOW ; and in this case also knows the application and market prospect area of our products
4. Keen to have an income based on sales target and marketing ability ;
5. Has a good ability to make approach to all sector in market, like end user, purchasing , decision maker , etc; and also having analysis and marketing sense to open new market ;
6. Has ability to understand at least 80% of English technical literature due to all reference for product is in English only.

Then you may apply to our vacancy by sending us yr application , CV, port folio,

related reference data and recent photograph ; included if you have such

confident platform for yr income request with sales projection target , which

would be considered in priority to our email address :

you may send through following address:

Jalan Palem II Blok TD-24

Pondok Candra Indah – Waru

Surabaya – East Java

Only right candidate having the above criteria will be invited for interview.

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Juli 2009 CV. PARAGON

CV. PARAGON now open lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009 from CV. PARAGON :


SENIOR HRD (SH) - SURABAYA Post Date: 06 Jul 09


- Wanita, max 30 tahun

- S1 Psikologi/Hukum

- Mampu menangani masalah tenaga kerja

- mampu menganalisa kompetensi karyawan

- Berpengalaman pada posisi yang sama min 3 tahun

- Pekerja keras dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan

- Berkepribadian menarik

- Menguasai Ms Office & Internet


- Disediakan training & Career Development

Silahkan segera kirimkan Surat Lamaran & CV lengkap beserta pas photo terbaru ke :


Jl. Raya Kedung Asem No. 9 / c - 1

Rungkut - Surabaya

Atau email ke :

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Juli 2009 PT. WIM CYCLE INDUSTRIES

PT. WIM CYCLE INDUSTRIES now open lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009 from PT. WIM CYCLE INDUSTRIES :


Perusahaan Industri sepeda terkemuka mengajak anda bergabung dan menjawab tantangan untuk maju bersama, membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk ditempatkan pada posisi sebagai berikut :

MANAGEMENT TRAINEE (MT) Post Date: 04 July 0209


* Pria usia max 25 tahun
* Fresh Graduate S1 Teknik segala jurusan
* Bahasa Inggris min. pasif
* Mempunyai jiwa leadership dan kerjasama team yang baik
* Menguasai dan mampu mengoperasikan komputer
* Pengalaman lebih diutamakan
* Berdomisili Surabaya dan sekitarnya
* Sanggup di tempatkan di daerah kerja Gresik - Jawa Timur

Kirimkan aplikasi & CV beserta foto terbaru via email ke :

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Juli 2009 PT. SADA SYSTEMS

PT. SADA SYSTEMS now open lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009 from PT. SADA SYSTEMS :


SADA Systems Asia, PT. is a leading Information Technology services organization, specializing in Microsoft, Google other best-of-bread solutions, located in Surabaya – Jawa Timur. We create cutting edge custom software, IT and web solutions for a long roster of premiere clients. SADA was selected as one of Google's first ten Enterprise Partners for Google Apps at it's launch in 2007 and since then have become one of the industry leaders in that space. We represent an exciting place to work, and our dedication to our clients and the community.

To learn more about SADA, please visit:

We don't just grow our company, we grow our people!


Experienced Web Application Developer Summary :

We are looking for an experienced developer who loves web 2.0, and has an understanding of systems and platforms, to assist us in implementing Google Apps and other customized application solutions for our clients worldwide. To read about some of our projects, click here.

Projects include working closely with our clients and our project managers. Projects include manipulation and customization using various SDKs and APIs, as well as writing custom code from scratch.

The ideal candidate will be energetic, creative, enthusiastic, intelligent, analytical and eager leader, ready to take on responsibility and learn new skills. She/he will enjoy working in a fast paced and agile organization, and creating an exciting, fun, teamwork-oriented environment. We are looking for those who want to grow with SADA, and are in this for the long term.

Responsibilities of Experienced Web Application Developer :

* Develop new and update existing code individually and in a team environment
* Work 5-8 projects at a time
* Consult with the clients through the implementation process
* Work with project managers and clients to understand requirements and clarify conceptual needs for projects, both small and large
* Accurately quote time estimates for projects both small and large
* Assist in the development of detailed project specifications
* Document applications and all associated procedures
* Communicate technical and business requirements with other programmers, designers and clients
* Develop and work with Databases of various types and understand and Database Structure.
* Test/QA projects
* Take direction from, and work closely with senior developers and project managers
* Embrace Agile methodology and SCRUM


Experienced Web Application Developer

You Would Be Great For This Position If You Have...

* Positive attitude towards change and ability to adapt
* Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a team environment and interact with all levels of management as well vendors and customers
* Strong problem solving and Analytical/Reasoning skills
* Excellent written and oral communication skills
* Well-proven time management skills while remaining flexible in responding to changing company and/or client needs.
* A minimum of three to five years experience required in the development of web-based
* Advanced PHP, HTML, XML/XSLT, DHTML, client side scripting, AJAX/JavaScript, CSS
* Knowledge of C#, Java, Python, and/or C++
* Object-Oriented analysis/design
* Database experience (MySQL, MS SQL, etc.)
* Linux/Apache as well as Microsoft/IIS server environment experience
* LDAP and Active Directory
* Experience in Agile software development and maintenance practices & methodologies
* Awareness of code efficiencies such as the reuse of common modules and identifies opportunities for request consolidation and/or re-usability
* Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience in helping develop mission-critical web based systems

Why You'll Love Working At SADA:

* You'll work with a great group of people, one of the best in the business, in a highly collaborative, team and results oriented atmosphere.
* You'll have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and extremely positive environment where there is always the chance to challenge and enhance your skills.
* You'll get awesome benefits that include competitive and attractive compensation, performance based bonuses, holidays, combined vacation and sick days, medical, short and long term disability insurance.
* You'll receive ongoing training and plenty of opportunities for advancement.
* Your offices will have a ping pong table, snacks, and beverages


* Commensurate with experience, highly competitive, plus performance-based incentives.
* Competitive benefits package.

Send your CV to:

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Juli 2009 PT. INTECH PUMPS INDONESIA

PT. INTECH PUMPS INDONESIA now open lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009 from PT. INTECH PUMPS INDONESIA :


We are Singapore company with branch office in Jakarta, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Sales Engineer Support - Surabaya Post Date: 03 Jul 09

Qualifications :

* Min. Degree (S1), majoring in Engineering ( chemical, mechanical Engineering, oil and gas or related field is advantage)
* Female, 23-35 years old
* At least 1-2 year experience in same position, fresh graduate are welcome
* Good skills in communication & Interacts with peoples
* Computer Literacy, administration handling
* Good command in English both spoken & written
* Domicile in Surabaya
* Interview will be held in Surabaya

Please send your application letter with resume to

Email :

Lowongan Kerja Surabaya Juli 2009

AKR Group now open lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja surabaya juli 2009 from AKR Group :

AKR Group is a large Indonesian Multinational Group of Companies in the area of Logistic Services, Manufacturing, Trading, Port Operations and Agro businesses.

We are PT Sorini Agro Asia Corporindo Tbk is part of AKR Group.

Our New Vision:

To be Asia’s leading producer of World Class Agro based products.

We are the world’s second largest producer of Sorbitol exporting our products to more than 60 countries, winner for the second successive year of Primaniyarta Award for Export Performance. In the year of 2007 our profit has grown to become more than 300% from the previous year.

We project ourselves to become World Class Indonesian Company with by setting up aggressive growth plan of our Agro Business, professionally managed, Management Stock Option Plan and some other programs.

To share our vision of continuous growth in worldwide markets, we invite dynamic and result oriented person with motivation and creativity to full fill following position:



- Based in our Surabaya Office

- Male / Female, Maximum age is 32 years old

- S1 or S2 degree of Accounting or Finance from Reputable University, GPA > 2,75

- Has experience of 3-5 years in similar position

- Able to do daily Finance & Accounting Responsibilities

- Strong analytical thinking, detail orientation, have enthusiasm to learn business

process, leadership skill

- Conversant with English (Oral / written) is must.

- Conversant with MS office operation

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photograph to:

Human Capital Department


or e-mail :

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lowongan Kerja Bogor Juli 2009 PT. DIAN GRAHA ELEKTRIKA

PT. DIAN GRAHA ELEKTRIKA now open lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009 from PT. DIAN GRAHA ELEKTRIKA :


Kami distributor produk Telekomunikasi membutuhkan 100 orang

ISP (In Store Promoter),

Khusus untuk penempatan di Modern Market area Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi.

ISP (In Store Promoter)

Persyaratan :

* Min. lulusan SMU / Sederajat,
* Wanita maks 25 thn ,
* Jujur,
* High Motivation,
* Target Oriented

Fasilitas :

* Gaji tetap,
* Transport,
* Uang Makan,
* Bonus Pencapaian

Bawa CV dan Pasfoto terakhir anda, ke :

PT Dian Graha Elektrika

Wisma Diangraha

Jl. Rawagelam III No.8

Kawasan Industri Pulogadung – Jakarta Timur

Session 1

Hari Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Batch I : Jam 08.30 s/d 10.30

Batch 2 : Jam 13.30 s/d 15.30

Session 2

Hari Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

Batch I : Jam 08.30 s/d 10.30

Batch 2 : Jam 13.30 s/d 15.30

Session 3

Hari Rabu, 14 Juli 2009

Batch I : Jam 08.30 s/d 10.30

Batch 2 : Jam 13.30 s/d 15.30

Kunjungi website kami :

Post Date: 10 Juli 2009

Lowongan Kerja Bogor Juli 2009 PT. BOKDESINDO INDAH

PT. BOKDESINDO INDAH now open lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009 from PT. BOKDESINDO INDAH :

BOKDESINDO is a quality furniture design and production company. Its furniture products are targeted at the International Interior Design market as well as better global retailers within established markets The firm and its product line has a reputation for design innovation and high quality.

We are currently seeking qualified candidates to join our team for the position of:

QC / QA Manager (QM)

Position requires very good communication skills, strong motivation and leadership management. A passion for challenges and a love for working with people and design a requirement along with the following prerequisites.

Position Location: Cileungsi – Bogor

QC / QA Manager (QM)

Requirements :

* Honest, trustworthy and loyal
* Minimum 5 years experience in Furniture Production / Controls
* Good, Strong leadership
* Must be open minded & have a pleasant personality
* Must be either S-1 or D-3 minimum required
* Must have a a furniture and/or Quality Control related technical degree
* Computer skills : MS Office/Internet/ETC
* Hardworking and able to work under pressure

Please send complete application : CV including photo + examples or design work by e-mail to :

Post Date: 09 Juli 2009

Lowongan Kerja Bogor Juli 2009 PT. JAYATAMA SELARAS

PT. JAYATAMA SELARAS now open lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009 from PT. JAYATAMA SELARAS :


PT Jayatama Selaras, perusahaan manufacture yang bergerak dalam bidang pembuatan kemasan dari plastic (containers dan closures) untuk industri farmasi, makanan dan kosmetik. Berlokasi di Jl. Raya Narogong Km 26,5 Cileungsi Bogor

Seiring dengan pengembangan organisasi yang semakin pesat, kami membutuhkan kandidat profesional untuk menempati posisi :



* Pria/ Wanita max 27, D3/S1 Teknik Mesin/ Kimia/ MIPA
* IPK 2,75
* Lebih diutamakan pengalaman 1 thn, fresh graduate welcome
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris, lisan maupun tulisan
* Menguasai komputer ( Ms Office )
* Mempunyai jiwa kepimpinan, Motivasi Tinggi dapat bekerja denganteam, kreatif, inisiatif & produktif

Surat lamaran / Resume Lengkap disertai pas foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 dan menuliskan kode lamaran di sudut kanan atas amplop, dikirimkan ke :

PT. Jayatama Selaras

Dept HRD - Recruitment

Jl. Raya Narogong Km 26,5 Cileungsi Bogor



Post Date: 01 Jul 09

Lowongan Kerja Bogor Juli 2009 INTENSIVE ENGLISH COURSE

INTENSIVE ENGLISH COURSE now open lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009 from INTENSIVE ENGLISH COURSE :

IEC, that stands for Intensive English Course, is an English training institution of over 21,000 students, established in 1968. It offers English trainings to the students who come from all backgrounds and walks of life but have a common desire to be able to communicate in English.

The students are prepared for communicative abilities for different purposes – socialization, business, attending lectures, conferences, etc. For this purpose, training programs with many choices to suit their needs are made available.

IEC has 50 centers throughout Indonesia located mostly in major cities. These centers are all under supervision of the Headquarters.

IEC mission is to be committed to constantly give satisfaction to all of its students and users of IEC graduates by way of good quality service, effective/efficient methods supported by highly dedicated staff.

IEC - Depok 2

Jln. Kemakmuran Raya Depok Tengah

IEC - Cipondoh

Jln. K.H Hasyim Ashari no 98 A-B Pinang. Tangerang

IEC - Bojong Gede

Jln. Raya Bojong Gede no 47 A Bogor

IEC - Yogya

Jln .Patimura. no 7 Kota Baru

IEC - Magelang

Jln. Piere Tendean no 3 Magelang

IEC - Surabaya

Jln. Jln. Klampis Harapan 5 no 7 Surabaya

IEC - Denpasar 1

Jln. Teuku Umar no 87 Denpasar

IEC - Solo 2

Jln . Kelinci F-11 Solo Baru

IEC - Sawangan

Jln. Raya Bojong Sari Baru no 99A Sawangan Depok

IEC - Sudimara

Jln. Cipto Mangunkusumo no G A 16 Tangerang

English Teachers Post Date: 07 Jul 09


* Male / Female max 28 years old
* S1, majoring in English
* Experienced in classroom teaching is preferred
* Fresh graduates are welcome
* TOEFL score 500 is preferred
* Good communication in English both oral & written
* Good attitude, pleasant personality, patient, energetic, hard worker
* Good interpersonal skills

Please indicate the branches that you are interested in your application letter and send your application letter and CV to

IEC Headquarters

at IEC Building,

Jl. Jatinegara Barat no 187. Jakarta Timur 13310,

fax: 8191161,


Lowongan Kerja Bogor Juli 2009

PT. EXERTAINMENT INDONESIA now open lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan kerja bogor juli 2009 from PT. EXERTAINMENT INDONESIA :

Celebrity Fitness is the fastest growing fitness company in ASIA!!!!

We build the clubs with the best teams, the best equipment, the best marketing and the best locations. Celebrity Fitness is truly changing the face of the Fitness Industry in Indonesia and will continue to set it's record

Our locations in Indonesia are:

Celebrity Fitness

1. Plaza Indonesia - EX Entertainment X'nter
2. La Piazza - Kelapa Gading
3. Pondok Indah Mall 2
4. Puri Indah Mall
5. Supermal - Lippo Karawaci
6. The Bellezza
7. Sabero Kemang
8. Pluit Junction
9. Supermal Pakuwon - Surabaya
10. Tunjungan Plaza 4 - Surabaya
11. Galaxy Mall - Surabaya

Celebrity Fitness VIP

1. FX - Senayan

Celebrity Fitness Express

1. Botani Square - Bogor
2. Metropolitan Mall - Bekasi

Our locations in Malaysia are:

1. One Utama Shopping Center
2. Gurney Plaza
3. Bangsar Village II
4. Subang Parade

Our location in India is:

1. JMD Mall - Gurgaon

Celebrity Fitness now expanding in Turkey, and will expand to more countries within this year

Please visit our website:

This position will be based in Home Office Jakarta

Chase Plaza 14th fl

Jln Jend Sudirman Kav 21

Karet - Setiabudi

Jakarta 12920

We invite qualified candidates to send their full resume with the indicated position and a recent photograph to the following email address: (Please state the position as your Subject in email)

All application letters will be treated with the strictest confidentiality

Note: Only short-listed candidates will be notified

Lowongan Bogor Juli 2009 PT. BOKDESINDO INDAH

PT. BOKDESINDO INDAH open lowongan bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan bogor juli 2009 from PT. BOKDESINDO INDAH :


BOKDESINDO is a quality furniture design and production company. Its furniture products are targeted at the International Interior Design market as well as better global retailers within established markets The firm and its product line has a reputation for design innovation and high quality.

We are currently seeking qualified candidates to join our team for the position of:

Marketing Assistant (MA).

Position requires very good communication skills, strong motivation and leadership management. A passion for challenges and a love for working with people and design a requirement along with the following prerequisites.

Position Location: Cileungsi – Bogor

Marketing Assistant (MA)

* Honest, Trustworthy and Loyal
* Must be highly creative & have a pleasant personality.
* Must be either S-1 or D-3 minimum required.
* Must have a Communications related degree
* Must be Fluent in English (written & spoken).
* Excellent computer skills: AUTOCAD / 3D Max / Photoshop / MS Office / Internet / Etc
* Hardworking and able to work under pressure.

Please send complete application: CV including photo + by e-mail to:

Post Date: 07 Jul 09

Lowongan Bogor Juli 2009 PT. Banteng Pratama Rubber

PT. Banteng Pratama Rubber open lowongan bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan bogor juli 2009 from PT. Banteng Pratama Rubber:

Company Description

Our company is a well known Tire Manufacturing Company that has been operating for more than 20 years in Indonesia. Due to expansion, we have open positions in our team as follow:

Junior Engineering Manager (EM)


* Male, max 35 years old
* S-1/Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from reputable university, Min GPA > 3.0
* Have a min 7 years relevant experience in Manufacturing Engineering fields and factory environment that include a min 3 years leadership position.
* Strong leadership, Strong analytical and good interpersonal skill
* Good command of English (passive and active) is a must
* Able to speak Mandarin is an advantage
* Position is in Cibinong-Citeureup, Bogor area


* Assist Senior Manager in coordinate, monitor and follow up activities and result of maintenance function and other projects
* Assist Senior Manager in oversee activities and budget of ME department
* Trouble shooting machine problems
* Plan and follow up standard engineering methods, policies and engineering procedures implementation
* Liaise with Production and R&D division in the design and implementation of operating standard to achieve production plans
* Define and review plant maintenance policy to optimize efficiency and quality

Qualified applicants, please summit your detail resume – including your latest compensation, expected salary, recent photograph and supporting documents to

Email Subject: ENGINEERING

(Only for serious applicants)

Please put “ENGINEERING” in the email subject, otherwise applications will be discarded

Lowongan Bogor Juli 2009 PT. MELRIMBA MITRA

MELRIMBA MITRA open lowongan bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan bogor juli 2009 from MELRIMBA MITRA :

Perusahaan Agrowisata yang sedang berkembang di Puncak Bogor membutuhkan :


Persyaratan :

* Pria
* Usia Maks. 30 thn
* Pendidikan Min. D-3 Pertamanan/ landscape
* Pengalaman Min. 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
* Lancar mengoperasikan Microsoft office dan Autocad.
* Menguasai pekerjaan implementasi/ pelaksanaan proyek landscape
* Memahami gambar shop drawing landscape untuk diimplementasikan
* Mampu mensupervisi pekerjaan landscape di lapangan
* Memiliki pribadi yang jujur, berwibawa, bertanggung jawab, dan tegas
* Dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun dengan team.
* Ditempatkan di Puncak Bogor


Lowongan Bogor Juli 2009

PT. Mandira Prima Perkasa open lowongan bogor juli 2009
There is detail for lowongan bogor juli 2009 from PT. Mandira Prima Perkasa :

PT. Mandira Prima Perkasa, as one of the best in rotogravure, flexible packaging, paper converting and film production industry, is serving every market needs with one goal in mind, our customer satisfaction. We are looking for dedicated and self-motivated people who can support us in achieving our mission and goals in the field of Production, based located at Cibinong, Bogor – West Java and Pandaan, Pasuruan – East Java



1. Male, Max 30 Years Old.

2. Graduated with a Bachelor Degree, Majoring : MIPA / Science and Engineering (Local).

3. Max. 5 years experience in production environment.

4. Will be placed at Plant Cibinong, Bogor – West Java and Plant Pandaan, Pasuruan – East Java.

5. Good command in English, both oral and written.

6. Capable to operate computer program, such as: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, E-Mail and Internet.

7. Able to work under pressure, able to work as a team and individual environment with minimum supervision and self motivated.

8. Eager to learn, good working attitude and integrity, excellent communication skills and strong team player.

9. Able to start immediately.

Please sent your complete resume to the address below :

HRD Department

PO BOX 195

Cibinong – 16900



HRD Department

PT. Mandira Prima Perkasa

JL. Stadion No.30, Pandaan

Pasuruan - 67156

Email :

Post Date: 30 Jun 09

Lowongan Kerja Bandung Juli 2009 PT. EIGERINDO MULTI PRODUK INDUSTRI

PT. EIGERINDO MULTI PRODUK INDUSTRI membuka lowongan kerja bandung juli 2009

Lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja bandung juli 2009 dari PT. EIGERINDO MULTI PRODUK INDUSTRI dibawah ini:

B&B Incorporation is a holding company with a vision to become a blessed and blessing visionary global company focusing in lifestyle business. We have two business units, PT. Eigerindo Multi Produk Industri and PT. Eksonindo Multi Produk Industri with hundreds of store throughout Indonesia. Our brands including Eiger, Nordwand, Eiger Women Series, Bodypack, Exsport, Neosack, Extreme, and Domus Danica.

With our rapid growth and commitment to further market expansion, we are currently seeking for outstanding and highly motivated individuals to be part of our team as:


You will embark on 3 months development program that will equip you with management and leadership capabilities you need to success in life style business. It takes unshakable commitment from you to endure this challenging process but consider this as an indispensable learning opportunity.


· Male/female age between 21-25 years old

· Must posses at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, Business Studies/Administration/Management , Economics or equivalent with GPA ≥ 2,75

· Fresh graduates are welcome to apply

· Possess strong communication skills, follow through actions and decisions with sense of urgency, punctuality and ready to work under pressure to meet deadlines and targets with sudden changes environment

· Strong work commitment with the ability to work independently and be self-driven

· Strong analytical skills with the ability to think and plan ahead

· Proficient in English (spoken and written) and computer application literacy is a must

· Willing to travel

If you meet the requirements above, please send your application (in English and MS. Word format) with a recent photograph within three weeks after the publication of this advertisement to:

HR Group B&B Inc.

Jalan Raya Kopo-Soreang No. 90A

Km. 11,5 Cilampeni

Bandung 40971

(Please specify the position title on top left corner of the envelope)


(Please specify the position code on the subject)

Find out more about our company by visiting our website:

Post Date: 06 Jul 09


PT. LEMBANG PERMATA RECREATION ESTATE membuka lowongan kerja bandung juli 2009

Lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja bandung juli 2009 dari PT. LEMBANG PERMATA RECREATION ESTATE dibawah ini:


We are a new resort property development in North Bandung will develop some hospitality facilities. We are seeking for some qualified persons to fill these following positions:

Guest Server --- code : gs

Requirements :

· Male, age max 28 years old

· Minimum high school graduate, preferable from Tourism High School

· Able to communicate in English

· At least 1 year experience in the Hospitality Industry preferably in Café / Restaurant

· Experience in handling coffee, tea, wine, snacks and light meal

· Able to deal with children

· Outgoing, energetic, enthusiastic and Guest service oriented, team player, good listener.

· Has an excellent manner and good performance.

· Able to work under pressure and flexibility of work hours

· Have own vehicle

If you meet above criteria, please e-mail your detail application to :

Position code must be stated on e-mail subject.

Post Date: 07 Jul 09


PT. LANGGENG MAKMUR PLASTIC INDUSTRY TBK membuka lowongan kerja bandung juli 2009

Lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja bandung juli 2009 dari PT. LANGGENG MAKMUR PLASTIC INDUSTRY TBK dibawah ini:

… Urgently Required …

A new joint venture company with an Australian company has created new openings in our company. This new company focuses on plastic packaging and storage solutions. Products such as : bottles, containers, crates, tubes, drums, etc.


Kriteria :

* Pria, Usia 22 Thn-35 Thn
* Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri.
* Mempunyai inisiatif, jujur dan disiplin.
* Mampu melakukan negoisasi.
* Berpengalaman di bidang sales bahan bangunan.
* Pendidikan min SMA atau sederajat.
* Diutamakan berdomisili di Jabodetabek (2 orang) dan kota (Bandung, Cirebon dan Karawang) masing-masing (1 orang), Jumlah keseluruhan= 5 orang.

Cara kerja Khusus untuk wilayah Bandung, Cirebon, dan Karawang:

* Sales berdomisili di daerah-daerah yang telah ditentukan.
* Sales mengatur jadwal kerja sendiri (setiap hari keliling untuk mencari order).
* Buat laporan mingguan untuk meeting mingguan yang dilakukan di pabrik tangerang.

Cara kerja Khusus untuk wilayah Jabodetabek:

* Setiap hari sales mengatur jadwal dan masuk ke kantor di tangerang
* Buat laporan mingguan untuk meeting yang dilakukan di pabrik tangerang.


* Bonus untuk sales yang mencapai target
* Gaji tetap

If you think you have qualification such above, please send your application enclosed with curriculum vitae and recent photograph to :

email: &

For more information about our company, please visit our website : or

Post Date: 07 Jul 09

Lowongan Kerja Bandung Juli 2009

AIA FINANCIAL membuka lowongan kerja bandung juli 2009

Lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja bandung juli 2009 dari AIA FINANCIAL dibawah ini:

AIA Financial (Former name was AIG LIFE) as the most influenced insurance company in the world and the most established insurance company in Indonesia is looking for high quality sales people to be trained & developed into :


(to be located in Bandung)

Because we want to build you to be an Entrepreneur who has an excellent skill in the art of SELLING, MANAGING sales people, NEGOTIATING and create your own business.

Requirement :

Ø Bachelor Degree from reputable university from any major

Ø Male or Female with maximum 27 years old

Ø Has an entrepreneur mindset

Ø High level of self confident

Ø Able to work under pressure to achieve goals

Ø Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

We offer you a challenge to work with a great team, to gain a lot of money and experiences and also opportunity to succeed in young ages.

In AIA, we believe this career is your way to release and maximum your potential grow.


Submit your CV (transcript and recent photo) to :



PT AIA Financial

Jl. Naripan no. 92A

Bandung 40112

Post Date: 06 Juli 2009

Lowongan Bandung Juli 2009 CIWALK

CIWALK membuka lowongan bandung juli 2009

Lebih jelasnya lowongan bandung juli 2009 dari CIWALK dibawah ini:

CIWALK HOTEL, a Landmark design hotel in Bandung, features 128 elegant Rooms and Suites, three FB outlets, generous meeting facilities, and unique Wellness & Spa area.

CIWALK HOTEL, a division of PT Karya Abadi Samarga, is located in the famous Jl Cihampelas, Indonesia’s most famous shopping street.

CIWALK HOTEL, now wishes to recruit fresh, dynamic, and pro-active candidates for the following position.


Whose professional excellency will contribute to the CIWALK HOTEL’s Opening in November 2009, and its subsequent successful Operation.

The valued candidates should meet most of the following requirements :

· Min.3 years proven track record in international hotels in managerial level

· Pre-Opening experience on managerial level (that’s a must!)

· Can communicate English well

· Available within one month

· Indonesian citizen

Please email your detailed CV with expected salary and notice period to the CIWALK HOTEL, Pre-Opening Office at :

Thank you very much

Post Date: 07 Jul 09

Lowongan Bandung Juli 2009 PT. DAYA ADIRA MUSTIKA

PT. DAYA ADIRA MUSTIKA membuka lowongan bandung juli 2009

Lebih jelasnya lowongan bandung juli 2009 dari PT. DAYA ADIRA MUSTIKA dibawah ini:

Authorized main dealer of Honda motorcycle and Honda Genuine Parts, is now looking for high-caliber candidates to fulfill following vacant challenge position:


Candidates in this position will be prepared to fill several key positions in the company. Program will take approx. two months in which candidates will be trained in all critical functions in the company.


The candidates should posses following requirements:

* S1 graduated from reputable universities, any disciplines.
* IPK >= 2.75.
* Have strong interest in automotive industry.
* Have good analytical and comprehensive way of thinking.
* Have strong willingness to learn.
* Have strong leadership character.
* Possess good maturity.
* Enjoy dynamic work-environment and frequent traveling.
* Able to quickly adapt with new situation and able to maintain positive & productive relationship with related parties.
* Willing to be located in BANDUNG or MANADO.

Qualified candidates are encouraged to send latest application letter, comprehensive CV, and photograph to, or by sending the hardcopy to:





* Not later than 2 weeks after this ads.
* Please put job code at the upper-right corner of the envelope.
Please put the location you would prefer to be located (Manado or Bandung) at the upper left corner of the envelope.

Post Date: 07 Jul 09



Lebih jelasnya lowongan bandung juli 2009 dari PT. GOODRICH PINDAD AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS INDONESIA dibawah ini:

PT.Goodrich Pindad Aeronautical Systems Indonesia (the "Company") is a joint venture enterprise, formed between Lucas Industry Public Limited Company, located in Stratford Road, Sollhull B 904 LA England, PT Pindad (Persero) and PT Metinca Dirgantara from Indonesia.

The company was established by the name PT Lucas Pindad Aerospace Indonesia in the framework of Foreign Capital Investment Law No.I/1967 and No. 11/1970, based on public notarial deed No. 10 dated March 5, 1997. The deed of establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in his decision letter No. C2-5.147.HT.01.01.Th97. The Articles of Association was published in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No.75, dated September 19,1997, Supplement No.4203.

Quality System Auditor

( Quality Assurance Departement )

Qualification :

Male/Female, age max 30 Years Old
Min Diploma degree in Technical Backround
Experience in Audit activities as Quality System Auditor min 2 Years
Excellent communication skill in English is a mandatory and other language will be advantage
Computer literate (word, excel, power point) is a mandatory
Having knowledge and understand ISO 9000 : 2000, ISO TS or AS 9100 is a mandatory
Familiar with Quality Tool : Failure Mode Effect Analysis, Statistic, Lean Manufacturing Process, TPM.
Self motivated, able to work under pressure and strict deadline individually or in a team
Ability to work independently and willing to improve knowledge
Meticulous, Persistant, Communicative, Assertive, Conscientious and systematics

If You fell that You meet the qualification above, please send your application letter, CV, other document and recent photograph email to :

The company and its plants is located on :
Jalan Gatot Subroto No. 517
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Post Date: 07 Jul 09

Lowongan Bandung Juli 2009 PT. SOON POH TECHNOLOGIES

PT. SOON POH TECHNOLOGIES membuka lowongan bandung juli 2009

Lebih jelasnya lowongan bandung juli 2009 dari PT. SOON POH TECHNOLOGIES dibawah ini:

PT Soonpoh Technologies bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi saat ini sedang mencari beberapa staff untuk posisi:


Menguasai computer, AUTOCAD dan MS Office

mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan

dibutuhkan untuk di daerah Jakarta,Surabaya,Bandung,Semarang,Bali dan Medan

segera kirim email CV lengkap ke

Post Date: 07 Jul 09

Lowongan Bandung Juli 2009

PT. KOKOH INTI AREBAMA, Tbk membuka lowongan bandung juli 2009

Lebih jelasnya lowongan bandung juli 2009 dari PT. KOKOH INTI AREBAMA, Tbk dibawah ini:



Kami adalah perusahaan DISTRIBUTOR BAHAN BANGUNAN berskala nasional yang sedang berkembang, membutuhkan dengan segera :


Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

- Pria, berusia maksimal 25 tahun

- Pendidikan minimal SLTA

- Berpengalaman sebagai Sales minimal 1 tahun

- Memiliki motor sendiri & SIM C

- Menguasai distribusi retail bahan bangunan/consumer goods/obat-obatan

- Menguasai wilayah masing-masing cabang

- Menguasai MS Office

- Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi, Tangerang, Cirebon, Bandung, Bali, Banjarmasin, Medan, Pekanbaru, Samarinda & Palembang.

Kirimkan CV lengkap dan foto terbaru ke alamat email berikut ini paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini dimuat ke alamat:

Post Date: 09 Juli 2009

Lowongan Malang Juli 2009 PT. PT. CAHAYA UTAMA

PT. PT. CAHAYA UTAMA membuka lowongan malang juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan malang juli 2009 dari PT. PT. CAHAYA UTAMA dibawah ini:

Lowongan Malang Juli 2009 dari PT. PT. CAHAYA UTAMA

Kami adalah perusahaan dagang dan jasa yang telah memperoleh sertifikat ISO 9001:2008, yang berpusat di Surabaya dan mempunyai cabang di Malang, Kediri dan Makasar.
Saat ini kami membutuhkan STAFF ACCOUNTING untuk kami tempatkan di kantor cabang Malang, dengan syarat sebagai berikut :

1. Wanita
2. Maksimal 23 tahun, (belum menikah)
3. Pendidikan minimal D3 Akuntansi / Perpajakan
4. Menguasai dengan baik microsoft Office (Word, Exel, Power Point)
5. Lebih Diutamakan mempunyai sertifikat Brevet A,B
5. Domisili di Malang

Kirim lamaran anda ke :
PT. CAHAYA UTAMA, Jl. Semanggi Timur 8H, Sukarno Hatta, Malang atau email ke

Lowongan Malang Juli 2009

LBB Cendekiawan membuka lowongan kerja malang juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja malang juli 2009 dari LBB Cendekiawan dibawah ini:

ob on the LBB Cendekiawan. This company is engaged in the field of Education
Address: Jln. Jaksa Agung Suprapto II/12 Malang
No. Tel. : 081 913 868 883 / 0341 - 9093086

Job with the position:
1. Tentor SD (IPS, Indonesian Language, Bahasa Daerah)
2. Tentor SMP (Biology, Economics, PPKn, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Daerah)
3. Language (Japanese, German, Korean, Mandarin, Arabic ).... for elementary and junior high

Work Location in Malang

1. Female / Male max age 27 Years
2. Education Min SMA (1) (for primary classes)
3. Min lectures on education at least semster 2, with GPA min 2.5 (2) (for the junior class)
4. Love with the children
5. Patient, persevering, hard worker
6. Applicants can select more than one type of field study and listed in the letter of application

1. Application letter & CV
2. Foto color 4x6 (2 pieces)
3. Foto copy KTP / KTM (for the current study)
4. Ijazah last (SMA/D1/D2/D3/S1)
5. KHS (for those who have not graduated from college)
6. Transkrip value (for a graduate course)

Send complete application and CV via POS to:
Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto II/12
Or can be transported directly

Include in the letter of application, you know the information on this vacancy and how the source (from what website or newspaper or what the other).

Job was closed on 10 August 2009

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 PT. GREENFIELDS INDONESIA

PT. GREENFIELDS INDONESIA membuka lowongan kerja malang juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja malang juli 2009 dari PT. GREENFIELDS INDONESIA dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 dari PT. GREENFIELDS INDONESIA


PT Greenfields Indonesia, a fast growing agribusiness company with operations and markets in Indonesia and outside Indonesia is looking for an Accounting Staff for our operation unit in Malang, East Java.

Accounting Staff (Malang) Post Date: 01 Jul 09


* Minimum a Degree (S1) holder in Accounting
* 2-3 years experience in accounting field (in consumer goods industry will be more considerable)
* Fresh Graduates with fast learning attitude are welcome to apply
* Able to work under pressure, self motivation, and focus on details
* Having knowledge and/or experience in accounting software; Brevet A & B Certification Holder will be a valuable credit point
* Good command of spoken and written in English will be an advantage


* Responsible for day-to-day accounting process
* Supporting in tax reconciliation, calculation, and tax form (SSP) monthly of PPh and PPN
* Supporting in preparing detail monthly management report and provide data for auditors
* Ability to work under pressure with limited supervision and willing to work overtime to meet deadline

You could find further information of us by visiting:

Please submit your detail resume before July 15, 2009.

Only short-listed candidates will be invited for our recruitment process.

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 PT. CAHAYA UTAMA

PT. CAHAYA UTAMA membuka lowongan kerja malang juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja malang juli 2009 dari PT. CAHAYA UTAMA dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 dari PT. CAHAYA UTAMA

Nama Perusahaan : PT. CAHAYA UTAMA
Posisi : Staff Accounting (perpajakan)
Batas Pengiriman: 18 Juli 2009

Kami adalah perusahaan dagang dan jasa yang telah memperoleh sertifikat ISO 9001:2008, yang berpusat di Surabaya dan mempunyai cabang di Malang, Kediri dan Makasar.
Saat ini kami membutuhkan STAFF ACCOUNTING untuk kami tempatkan di kantor cabang Malang, dengan syarat sebagai berikut :

1. Wanita
2. Maksimal 23 tahun, (belum menikah)
3. Pendidikan minimal D3 Akuntansi / Perpajakan
4. Menguasai dengan baik microsoft Office (Word, Exel, Power Point)
5. Lebih Diutamakan mempunyai sertifikat Brevet A,B
5. Domisili di Malang

Kirim lamaran anda ke : PT. CAHAYA UTAMA, Jl. Semanggi Timur 8H, Sukarno Hatta, Malang atau email ke

Batas Pengiriman : 18 Juli 2009

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 Merak Jaya

Merak Jaya membuka lowongan kerja malang juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja malang juli 2009 dari PT. dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 dari Merak Jaya

Kami sebuah perusahaan yang berlokasi di Surabaya, saat ini membutuhkan 1 orang Tenaga Administrasi, dengan spesifikasi sbb:
1. Wanita
2. Lulus D3/S1
3. Mahir mengoperasikan Komputer (Word, Excel, Internet)
4. Jujur dan Teliti

Lamaran ditujukan kepada : Bpk. Andre
Alamat : Jl.Jaksa Agung Suprapto No.39-41Kav.56
(Ruko Sentra Fortuna) Surabaya

Paling lambat Lamaran kami terima tanggal :15 Juli 2009

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 PT. JAGUNG HIBRIDA SULAWESI

PT. JAGUNG HIBRIDA SULAWESI membuka lowongan kerja malang juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja malang juli 2009 dari PT. dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 dari PT. JAGUNG HIBRIDA SULAWESI



Persyaratan :
• Pria / Wanita
• Pendidikan minimal D3, semua jurusan
• Usia maksimal 35 tahun
• Berpengalaman sebagai Document Control ISO 9001 Dan ISO 14001
• Memiliki sertifikat sebagai Auditor Internal ISO
• Mengerti terhadap integrasi sistem ISO
• Mengerti Dan memahami proses Up date, distribusi dokumen serta dapat melakukan evaluasi
• Pekerja keras, Ulet, Luwes Dan dapat bekerja secara team
• Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (MS Office)
• Bisa bahasa Inggris (Lisan Dan Tulisan)
• Berpenampilan menarik

Bagi yang memenuhi syarat, kirim CV, aplikasi Dan photo terbaru
sebelum tgl 15 Juli 2009 ke:
PHONE: 0331-325588 FAX: 0331-325656

Or E-mail to :

Batas Pengiriman : 15 Juli 2009

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009

PT. JAGUNG HIBRIDA SULAWESI membuka lowongan kerja malang juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja malang juli 2009 dari PT. JAGUNG HIBRIDA SULAWESI dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Malang Juli 2009 dari PT.


Responsibilities :
Responsible for accurate and smooth flow of the entire processing operation from receiving, scaling, drying, seed conditioning, packing and cartooning which is conforming which is conforming with the standard operation and procedure.

Requirements :
- Male, min.22 years old
- Minimum Hold Bachelor (D3) Degree in Industrial Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
- Has minimum 2 years of experience in similar position, preferable in Hybrid Seed Corn Industry
- Has good leadership and supervisory skill, high motivation, good analytical thinking and able to work under pressure
- Has good communication in English both oral and written
- Willing to be posted in all plant location

Responsibilities :
- Coordinate the plant activities and labor for efficient utilization of resources
- Coordinate with the other shift to facilitate smooth transition and effective information exchange
- Provide lesdership for plant employees on second and third shifts
- Coordinaate activities between plant areas to assure cooperation and efficient labor usage
- Provide assistance with maintenance when maintenance staff is not on job

Requirements :
- Male, min.22 years old
- Minimum University Degree (D3) all program study
- Has minimum 1 year of experience in similar position.
- Computer skill (MS Word, MS Excel)
- Understand basic Agricultural
- Leadership and management ability
- Ability to delegate responsibility
- Strong people skills
- High level of integrity

All applications will be treated in strictly confidential.
Please submit your application, the latest Curiculum Vitae and a recent photograph not later than JULY 15th, 2009 :

Or E-mail to :

max: 15 July 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 PT. ASURANSI MULTI ARTHA GUNA

PT. ASURANSI MULTI ARTHA GUNA membuka lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009 dari perusahaan dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 dari PT.


PT ASURANSI MULTI ARTHA GUNA Tbk adalah perusahaan asuransi yang bergerak di bidang asuransi kerugian (asuransi kendaraan, Kebakaran,Pengangkutan, kesehatan dan lainnya).
Perusahaan kami merupakan afiliasi dari Panin Bank dan saat ini membutuhkan karyawan baru untuk posisi :

LEGAL OFFICER Post Date: 01 Juli 2009

Kualifikasi :

* Lulusan S1 Hukum
* Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai legal di law firm / perusahaan asuransi minimal 2 tahun
* Memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat perjanjian kerja / MOU.
* Menguasai dan memahami ketentuan-ketentuan yang berlaku untuk perusahaan asuransi
* Memiliki lisensi advokat
* Kemampuan bahasa inggris lisan dan tulisan
* Sikap kerja : aktif, teliti, cooperatif, proaktif, cepat belajar dan bisa bekerja sendiri / dalam team

Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut diatas, silahkan mengirimkan lamaran lengkap (termasuk CV dan pas foto terakhir) ke :


Gedung Bank Panin Pusat, Lt. 8

Jln. Jend. Sudirman, Senayan

Jakarta 10270

Telp. : (62 21) 2700590 – 2700600

E-mail :

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 PT. INDOBARA BAHANA

PT. INDOBARA BAHANA membuka lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009 dari perusahaan tersebut dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 dari PT. INDOBARA BAHANA

PT. INDOBARA BAHANA was established on 1974 to fulfill the Indonesian Market for reliable and quality pump and in line with the growing and building of Indonesia’s physical development. During the period of 1968 – 1970 the brand “EBARA” was launched and continuously grow up until now as well known pump in Indonesia. Currently the company expanded their business not only as pump dealer, but also as Distributor, Engineering, Procurement and Contractors.

We challenge the Top Performer employee to join our great team to overcome the extremely rapid growth for the following positions:

Sales Section Head Post Date: 01 Juli 2009

Job Summary:

To coordinate and monitor all sales force in creating sales volumes & developing policies & procedures to meet the objectives of the company’s sales strategy


· Contribute to the development of the company’s corporate strategy, particularly in relation to the sales objectives

· Develop and control the budget for the sales function to ensure that all financial targets are met and that all necessary financial controls are in place to comply with company and regulatory requirements

· Develop and maintain relationship with key customers and other relevant bodies to ensure that company’s maximum sales potential is realized

· Maintain the awareness of developments in sales techniques and technology

· Ability to develop and implement sales budgets and plans

· Developing the business in the assigned area / segment market


· Minimum Bachelor Degree any major with min. GPA 3.00

· At least 3 years experienced in Sales supervisor / coordinator

· Preferably candidates should be from oil & Gas, Mining, Petrochemical, Government Institution & Industry

· Able to work independently as well as team

· Target oriented, hard worker, be able to work under pressure

· Achieving aggressive sales target by combining marketing and sales forces plans

· Analytical, creative, systematical thinking

· A dedicated individual with a passion to achieve results and a strong leader with good acumen in managing change

Those who are interested and meet the above requirements, please send your complete application letter, resume, a recent photograph, and indicate the position title at email subject to:



Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 51.2

Jakarta 10610 – Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 PT. DUA BERLIAN

PT. DUA BERLIAN membuka lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009 dari PT. DUA BERLIAN dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 dari PT. DUA BERLIAN

Company Description


Perusahaan distributor consumer good berskala nasional membutuhkan:



* Wanita, usia antara 35 – 45 tahun ( lebih diutamakan yang masih single )
* S1 ( Lulusan Akutansi/ Administrasi/ Tehnik )
* Pengalaman di pekerjaan Administrasi/ General Service/ General Affair min. 5 tahun.
* Bersedia bekerja lembur.
* Sopan dan berpenampilan rapi/ representative.
* Domisili sekitar Jakarta Pusat atau Jakarta Timur.

Kirimkan surat lamaran, data pelengkap lainnya ke

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 Property Development in Jakarta

Property Development in Jakarta membuka lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009 dari Property Development in Jakarta dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 dari Property Development in Jakarta

… Urgently Required …

We are a growing company in Property Development in Jakarta, looking for high quality person to fill positions as:


The requirements are:

* Female, single, max 25 years old
* Hold minimum D3 in secretary
* Having experience 2-3 years as Secretary in Building Management/Property / Building Project / Consultant is an advantage
* Good in English speaking and writing is a must, Mandarin Language is an advantage
* Computer literate: Microsoft Office
* Good looking, responsible & proactive, friendly, having good manner & outgoing personality
* Willingness to work under pressure and long hour if needed
The position is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Please send your application letter recent photograph and mark the applied position code on email subject to :

Application using PDF format will not be process

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 PT. Prestige Indonesia

PT. Prestige Indonesia membuka lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan kerja jakarta juli 2009 dari PT. Prestige Indonesia dibawah ini:

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Juli 2009 dari PT. Prestige Indonesia



· Male, age 24- 30 years old

· High School/ Degree in related major

· Minimum 3 years experience in the automation industry, control industry include HMI/PLC/ Motion Drives Solution (Preferably from Sales, Product and Technical background)

· Good communication and interpersonal skills

· Able to work independently as well as in a team

· Able to work independently and under pressure while achieving sales target

· Good command of English/ Malay

Job Description:

· Responsible for Sales activities of Automation and Drives systems

· Handles Sales of Automation Systems

· Service and manage existing

· Need to perform field visits to assist in project sales or understanding of control/ equipment problems

· Provide technical advise to customers and solution

· Maintain and responsible for aggressive selling of products

· Establish new businesses opportunities

· Sales duties include needs analysis, product information, technical specifications, preparation and distribution

For JobsDB member and non member, just click

Quick Apply above.

Or you can also direct your resume to

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 PT. Altelindo KaryaMandiri

PT. Altelindo KaryaMandiri membuka lowongan jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan jakarta juli 2009 dari PT. Altelindo KaryaMandiri dibawah ini:

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 dari PT. Altelindo KaryaMandiri

Altelindo is one of leading IT system solution provider with vision to become a leader which provides human resource management development, a quality management in long term, beneficial partnership, commitment and proven highest quality services.

As expansion of our business strategies and in achieving our aggressive goals, Altelindo is committed to acquiring the best talent with integrity, initiative and teamwork in the industry.

We believe YOU are the right talented person to be part of our team to fill the position as:

Accounting Manager

Qualification :

Desktop Engineer :

* Bachelor Degree from Computer Science/Technic Informatics.
* Male / Female and Age Max 35 years old.
* Min 3 year experience as Account Executive in IT Developer/ Supply Hardware or software with good knowledge about IT company & IT product.
* Good knowledge in MS Office 4.2, MS Office 97, Outlook & Outlook Express,Windows2000, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, and Administration.
* Have a good knowledge and experience in sales and technical.
* Have a good knowledge in enterprise and high end product (storage & server)

General Qualification :

* An organized individual, had worker and a team work.
* A good communicator and preferably fluent in English
* Strong Analyst, good integrity, honesty, and have a good achievement Motivation
* Passion to achive objective/ target.

Please send your application with comprehensive and detailed resume to

Desa Altel

Jl. TB. Simatupang No. 35

Jakarta 12430

Please state the position code on the email subjects.

All resume will be treated in strict confidential and only short-listed candidates will be notified.


PT. DGW CHEMICALS membuka posisi INTERNAL ADMINISTRATIVE AUDITOR lowongan jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan jakarta juli 2009 dari PT. DGW CHEMICALS dibawah ini:

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 posisi INTERNAL ADMINISTRATIVE AUDITOR


Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan agrochemical khususnya pestisida dengan aktivitas kami yang meliputi produksi, R&D, Pendistribusian dan Pelatihan terhadap customer.



* Pria/Wanita
* Umur max 26 thn
* Lulusan D III / S1 atau sejenisnya
* Mempunyai skill/kemampuan di bidang Administrasi perkantoran
* Berpengalaman di bidang Administrasi perkantoran min. 1 tahun
* Jujur, loyalitas tinggi, dan pekerja keras
* Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Cikarang

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta CV anda ke:



Up. Bpk. Michael Pati S.H.

Jl. Agung Karya IV Blok B, No.15 Sunter Jakarta-Utara

atau fax 021-6510736

No HP : 021-99050634, 0856 8823 809

email :

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 PT.DGW CHEMICALS

PT.DGW CHEMICALS membuka lowongan jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan jakarta juli 2009 dari PT.DGW CHEMICALS dibawah ini:

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 dari PT.DGW CHEMICALS


Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan agrochemical khususnya pestisida dengan aktivitas kami yang meliputi produksi, R&D, Pendistribusian dan Pelatihan terhadap customer.



* Pria/Wanita
* Umur max 26 thn
* Lulusan D III Akademi Kimia / S1 Tehnik Kimia atau sejenisnya
* Mempunyai skill/kemampuan di bidang Kimia
* Memiliki pengalaman kerja min 1 tahun sebagai Supervisor di Bidang Industri / Manufactured
* Jujur, loyalitas tinggi, dan pekerja keras
* Bersedia ditempatkan di daerah Cikarang

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta CV anda ke:



Up. Bpk. Michael Pati S.H.

Jl. Agung Karya IV Blok B, No.15 Sunter Jakarta-Utara

atau fax 021-6510736

No HP : 021-99050634, 0856 8823 809

email :

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 PT. MOBAFONE INDONESIA

PT. MOBAFONE INDONESIA membuka lowongan jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan jakarta juli 2009 dari PT. MOBAFONE INDONESIA dibawah ini:

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 dari PT. MOBAFONE INDONESIA

Love to Win

We are a fast growing, innovative, independent new media and technology company with a core focus upon the mobile phone as an interactive mass media.

Our key platform is, the fastest growing, award winning, seamless Web to Mobile community.

Every day presents fresh opportunities and your future is as unlimited as your imagination. Our environment is in a state of constant change and the abilities to innovate and reinvent are paramount.

We have a world class experienced team of Western and Asian professionals, industry leading technical capability and excellent operator and international affiliate relationships.

Our office is in Indonesia, with regional offices in Thailand and Germany

JAVA DEVELOPER Post Date: 01 Juli 2009

Work experience requirements:

1. At least 2 to 3 year experiences in J2EE/J2SE/J2ME related application/service/product development
2. Experience in using XMPP Protocol will be an advantage
3. Experience in creating multiplayer game server logic will be an advantage
4. Experience in Spring framework and struts will be an advantage
5. Excellent in Java programming, object-oriented analysis, and design
6. Excellent in the design and administration of databases, especially MySql
7. Excellent in SMS/MMS/WEB/WAP technology
8. Familiar with UNIX and Linux system
9. Well familiar with the open source project e.g. Jakarta project, Eclipse, MySql, PHP,Tomcat etc
10. Good understanding of wireless technologies and enthusiastic to learn new things
11. Some experience in Wireless, Cellular, Multi-Player Online Gaming, Telecommunication and/or VAS industry will be an advantage
12. Good commands in English oral and written

Education Requirements:

Bachelor degree in Computer science or any relate fields.

We offer attractive performance based compensation and career opportunities to the successful candidates.

Interested persons are invited to send an application letter with a detailed resume and expected salary to:

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 PT. SARANA TUNGGAL OPTIMA

PT. SARANA TUNGGAL OPTIMA membuka lowongan jakarta juli 2009

Berikut lebih jelasnya lowongan jakarta juli 2009 dari PT. SARANA TUNGGAL OPTIMA dibawah ini:

Lowongan Jakarta Juli 2009 dari PT. SARANA TUNGGAL OPTIMA

We are inviting professionals to join our ever growing team

Sales Executive Post Date: 01 Juli 2009


* Work collaboratively with your sales team to grow revenue with new and existing customers.
* Proactively and creatively identify and solve client problems and provide solution.


1. Woman, Max. 30 years old, attractive
2. Having experience in the field of marketing / sales min. 1 year
3. Min. Bachelor degree or diploma of any major. Marketing will be an advantage
4. Proven sales experience with potential leadership qualities, self-starter with excellent Interpersonal skill, Good Networking
5. Have big network (network to a fine restaurants, bars and hotels will be an advantage), highly sales driven, responsible for sales target.
6. Able to work with Microsoft office
7. Must have excellent presentation, negotiation skill, Fluent in English written and oral
8. Ability to work under pressure, with tight deadlines & work independently or in a team
9. Responsible, motivated, & dedicated
10. To have a car Driver License will be an advantage
11. Must be physically fit & have a high regard for a personal appearance & hygiene

Please send your complete resume, CV, current Photograph and salary expectation to:

PT. Sarana Tunggal Optima

ANZ. Tower 25th floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.33A, Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lowongan Juni 2009 HANNA FILIA

HANNA FILIA membuka Lowongan Juni 2009

, one of the most prominent and most trusted English Tuition Centre in Batam.

Hanna Filia seek teachers with the following qualifications:

* University Graduate (S1) in English Education or English Literature
* Having a GPA of at least 3.0
* Fluent in English, both written and spoken
* Enjoys Teaching
* Likes children
* Highly Dedicated
* Ready to be stationed in Batam, Riau Islands Province

Please submit your application letter, CV, recent photo (3x4), Undergraduate Certificate (S1), and official transcript of record to our Yogyakarta representative:

Yason Hendro,
Jl. Wulung No 12B, Papringan - Yogyakarta.
or: Sheilla –
Jl. Demangan Baru no. 23, Yogyakarta

Batam Contact Information:
Academic Manager: Pho Liong, S.Pd.
Hanna Filia Batam, Komp. Nagoya Newton no 15 - 17C, Batam - Kepri. No Telp (0778)426551.


PT CITRADIMENSI ARTHALI membuka Lowongan Juni 2009

PT CITRADIMENSI ARTHALI is a frozen seafood distribution company located in Muara Baru, Jakarta Utara. Citradimensi Arthali was established in 1995. To support our rapid business growth in Indonesia, Citradimensi is inviting for dynamic and highly motivated individuals to strengthen our management team

Job Requirements :

* Minimum Bachelor Degree in Accounting
* 1-2 years experience in cost accounting
* Thorough understanding of job costing and accounting principles and methodologies
* Meticulous and Hard Working
* Proficient with MS Excel and MS Word
* Familiar with Accurate Accounting Software will be an advantage

If you believe you have the right qualifications and motivation, please send your CV and application letter to :

Only short listed candidates will be notified.

Lowongan Juni 2009 PT AMI JAYA MANDIRI

PT AMI JAYA MANDIRI membuka Lowongan Juni 2009

adalah sebuah perusahaan swasta nasional yang pada mulanya bergerak dibidang penyedia jasa piranti lunak, sejalan dengan semakin cepat perusahaan ini berkembang serta tingginya permintaan pasar maka kami ingin memperluas bidang usaha.

Untuk itu Ami Jaya Mandiri membutuhkan team yang tangguh untuk posisi:


* Laki-laki/Perempuan
* Pengalaman min.1 tahun sebagai Network Engineer/Administrator
* Menguasai OSRouter Mikrotik (expert)
* Menguasai OS Linux dan FreeBSD
* Menguasai dasar-dasar sistem jaringan
* Mempunyai sertifikat CISCO/bidang networking (point plus)
* Pengalaman kerja di ISP/NAP menjadi prioritas

Harap kirim lamaran, CV, Photo dan dokumen pendukung ke:

PO BOX 6501/ SMS
atau email ke:

Lowongan Juni 2009 PT Rejeki Putra Mandiri

PT. membuka Lowongan Juni 2009

, is currently engaged in the growing field of retail supermarkets in the area of Serpong, PT Rejeki Putra Mandiri needs professional staff, creative, and dynamic for the position of:

Qualification :

* Male/ Female, max 35 years old
* Min Bachelor Degree from Reputable University in Architect / Interior design/ Graphic Design/ Visual Communication Design
* Minimum 5 years’ VM management experience including at least 5 years in managerial level in Retail Companies
* Experience in the retail industry with an international brand is highly preferable
* Resourceful, driven, having excellent strategic ability & strong business acumen
* Able to operate software programs; freehand, 3D, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Illustrator & Mac
* Hard working, initiative, responsible and proven leadership, Creative
* Have sense of art and aesthetic

Candidates are invited to send their application with a comprehensive resume, Photocopies of certificates, details of present and expected salary, Contact telephone number together with a passport sized photograph to the following address :